A 61 year old man took taxi from Lunner in Norway to Trondheim in Norway. When he came to Trondheim he had to pay 10 000 Norwegian kroner, but the man didn’t have so much money, so he refused to pay the taxi driver. The trip was about 447 kilometers and took place from Thursday morning to Thursday night. A police officer says this to (a Norwegian internet page): I think it is a little exceeding that the taxi driver didn’t ask the 61 year old man before the trip if he had enough money. The taxi driver called the police when he became aware of that the man didn’t have so much money. He is aleatory about reporing it to the police. The taxi driver says this after the trip to the police station: “He looked like a nice man". The taxi driver says to internet “it looks like this money is gone”.
The 61 years old man came in a taxi from Oslo to Lunner, and the previous taxi driver got money from the man. He payed with card for that taxi, so the taxi driver from the distance Lunner/Trondheim thought the man could pay for this trip too. The police officer in Trondheim says this was a little comical story and he wants to say this to all the taxi drivers in this country: “I will suggest that all taxi drivers, those who are supposed to drive several miles, should check the passengers pay ability before the trip”.